In this game, you won’t die because your adventure isn’t really in your physical world. But like diving in the water, diving in labyrinth of puzzle mind have a time limit. Because Rai and Eva's soul power is gradually decreasing. This game also combine unique elements like magicattack, Homing Boost, wall climbing, Platformer, Bullet Hell Danmaku Battle, treasure hunter in search for suika スイカ.
Okay, so that's my new game ^^ what do you all think??
Ummm... ^^a
Of course! Just you wait ^^
Ah, welll, you know... you're not the main character there. So your screentime is not many... ^^
Uhh.. guys, please stop! This should be an interview post! >.<
Haha yeah... why don't you do the talk, Eva? ^^
Of course! You're the heroine in this game, you know? ^^
. . .
-1 hour later-
. . .
Well, looks like the fight is over already -_-
Okay Rai, please stop that...
Our reader will got confuse for what's going on here! >.<
Let's just do the interview properly, okay? >.<
Good! Okay Rai, as the main character, what do you feel now? ^^
Haha yeah yeah, i admit that you're so Fabulous ^^
And, for Eva, what do you feel now? ^^ You're now famous to entire worldwide, not just Indonesia! Isn't that awesome?!
Oh, come on, why anyone can't be happy enough with you and your cute voice? ^^
: Anyway for all gamer worldwide, i'm really thankfull for acompany me and Rai journey in this game. Thank you very much for your support!
: Please also give good rating and share our game to your friends! Our awesome adventure will continue on!
Haha, nice! ^^
Oh, come on... You already have your appearance in the old game, right Yume? >.< But i think i have story for you to tell, so please wait for your turn, okay? ^^v
Oh, come on! Who would do such as that? >.<
Hmmm... you and Eva story not seems to link to each other, so maybe you must wait first. I can't wait to see your fabulous magic and personality too ^^
Okay, cool!
I think here's the end of the interview ^^
See Rai and Eva action in their game!
It's free download in android googleplay store, have fun playing! ^^
: We'll see you there.
Ghost Ring - The Soul Labyrinth, Anime Action Visual Novel on Android.
Created by Keitaro3660.
Do you have intention on releasing it on OUYA?